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Committee/Board Meetings & Member Social

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Are you interested in learning more about a GFAA committee or want to get involved? Join us for the committee in-person meetings at The District House of Taps, and stay for a FREE member networking social.

Registration is not required. We hope to see you there!

  • GFAA Committee Meetings: 4-5 PM
  • All Member Networking Social: 5-6 PM

Committee Descriptions

Supplier Council

Takes on all planning of, and not limited to, the annual Trade Show and Maintenance Mania, and Maintenance and Supplier Appreciation Events. Assists in getting sponsors involved in these events; and is cost effective by exploring options to better these events in the future. Gets the Supplier Members involved and engaged, collects their feedback from the events. Polls them to see their wants and needs to help their businesses grow.
Chair: Brenda Leidholdt
Co-Chair: Kelby Berling

Membership Outreach

Takes on the promotion of the GFAA as a whole, and all of its upcoming events, classes, etc on social media. Works together to create new ideas for contests, flyers, posts, and more to promote attendance. Grows the number of likes, followers, connections, and exposure of all online outlets. Assists in planning other social events throughout the year, like the Annual Holiday Party.

Main focus is member retention and the growth of the GFAA. Assists with the needs of current members works on target marketing, helps collect contacts (current and prospective) and turns them into Executive Director to keep records, and gets feedback from events and classes to assist in the future planning of Education and Events. Helps the current members see the value of their membership with Member Orientation and being an Ambassador for the new members. Network in our 6 counties to find new prospects, and talk up the GFAA with any other relevant business that you come in contact with. Plans networking events to get people together through the spring and summer, attend Chambers and Realtors events for exposure year-round, and brainstorms ideas and executes the annual Membership Drive.   

Promotes the needs of the annual charity of the year. Creates a relationship with the charity, invites them to our functions, and gets the members involved in supporting their needs, from donations, items, and volunteer time in person. Drafts plans for drives and promotes the charity's events throughout the year makes their presence and our relationship with them known throughout our counties. Also promotes the growth and awareness of the GFAA at various local events in our market.
Co-Chairs: Kristen Micallef, Brandi Moran, and Sarah Pfeffer

Governance/Bylaws and Policies

Promotes advocacy for GFAA, AANC and NAA, & the PAC’s. Grows awareness amongst the Membership of what these entities do for us and gains support. Responds to Legislative Calls to Action. Promotes and attends AANC Legislative & Education Conference in Raleigh annually, and always keeps Members aware of any pending legislative concerns that may need our action throughout the year. Drafts policies, procedures, and Bylaws changes as needed.
Chair: Karen Perkins
Co-Chair: Jonathan Elliot


Planning of designation courses, maintenance certification classes, and research relevant topics and speakers for seminars. Collect quotes from instructors and venues, collaborates with finance committee regarding cost. Keeps annual calendars to track dates, deposits, speakers, venues, times and other details, and the annual calendars upon completion that go to Publicity committee to promote. Collects input from members for future planning recommendations and interests. Assists in any other details related to planning for these courses, and makes Education Sponsor(s) aware so they are present for all classes.
Chair: Jennifer Pittman

Diversity and Inclusion

Committee members have attended training offered by NAA on these topics, created and continue annually to develop the GFAA Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship, and brainstorms how to better educate the GFAA members in these areas, raise awareness and offers training classes to make us more diverse.                                     
Chair: Nana Bentsi-Enchill